Now that summer is over, we can protect our skin from harmful UV radiation. The fall is an excellent time of year to have a professional skin treatment performed to help reverse sun damage and ultimately turn back the hands of time on our skin.
Consider peels to be a crucial component of your ongoing skin care regimen. 3–4 peels should be given to you annually. You should begin undoing the harm now because our skin starts to age in our 20s! Trust me on this one: a little upkeep now will pay off in the long run.
Dermaplaning is the procedure of using a specialized dermaplaning blade to remove dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz). By performing this fast procedure just before a peel, you may guarantee that the peel is applied evenly and possibly reduce some post-peel flaking.
Different acids are combined in chemical peels. The depth of a peel and the condition it will treat depends on the concentration of a particular acid. Peels are often divided into three categories: light or “lunchtime” peels, which only address the skin’s outermost layers; medium peels, which go deeper into the skin; and deep peels.
All of the aforementioned are available at Carvers.
Shouldn’t you also treat the neck and chest area, which typically sustain just as much sun damage as the face? Peels can also be used on the hands and back.
It is a false notion that your skin should only be dry cleaned. Spending a lot of money on a good outfit wouldn’t mean you’d throw it in the standard wash afterward, would it? Using the proper skincare both before and after a peel helps you heal and recover more quickly while also protecting your investment.
Avoid direct sun exposure on your skin for at least a week following a peel (sometimes more depending on the peel). Sunscreen must be used every morning. This cannot be negotiated. You should also stay out of the sun and avoid tanning for at least a week before the peel.
Heat causes inflammation and inflammation causes redness. In order to avoid looking like you have a sunburn, stay away from anything that are really hot for roughly 48 hours. You should pay extra attention to this if you are prone to hyperpigmentation.
For the peel to function, you don’t need to “peel.” In fact, you won’t flake at all with several of our light peels. Think of peeling as a drawback of the peel. The same is true of peels; although a cellular change is a targeted reaction, peeling is a frequent side effect. The likelihood of peeling increases with peel strength.
Instead, choose a facial that exfoliates and uses compounds that are safe for your child.
Peels are a fantastic remedy. The chance of adverse effects or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is significantly reduced when a peel is performed properly!