All About coolsculpting Elite

Non-invasive and non-surgical body treatments have completely revolutionised the aesthetics industry. The weeks of rest and rehabilitation are finished. Introducing Coolsculpting. With a

minimum of two treatments, Coolsculpting Elite has minimal downtime and can reduce resistant fat by up to 25%. 

How does Cools Culpting function and what is it? 

An FDA-approved non-invasive procedure called Coolsculpting Elite decreases undesirable subcutaneous fat by 20–25%. Cryolipolysis, a method used in Coolsculpting, involves freezing the body’s fat cells. The treatment area is cooled to -4 degrees Celsius, which causes the fat cells to perish and be naturally eliminated from your body. Within three months of treatment, the majority of patients will start to experience improvements. 

Who is an ideal candidate for Coolsculpting Elite?  

Patients seeking to treat stubborn regions of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise and are within 10–20 pounds of their goal weight are the best candidates for the Coolsculpting Elite procedure. We advise scheduling a consultation with Carvers to develop a treatment strategy based on your objectives. 

What body parts can I use Coolsculpting to treat? 

  • Chin and jawline 
  • Thighs 
  • Abdomen 
  • Flanks 
  • Bra/Backfat 
  • Banana roll (underneath the buttocks) 
  • Upper arms 

Is Coolsculpting safe?  

An FDA-approved procedure for fat reduction is called Coolsculpting. The modest and transient adverse effects of the procedure include a faint tugging sensation on the skin during the procedure and a sharp chill. Some people have mentioned feeling slightly uncomfortable after treatment, although the pain usually goes away after a few days. 

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