5 Ways To Reduce Water Retention


5 Ways To Reduce Water Retention

In this article, you will learn about 5 ways to reduce water retention. Water retention basically occurs when there is excess fluid is build up inside your body. It is also known as edema or a fluid retention. It occurs basically within the tissues or in the circulatory system.

It can cause swelling in the ankles, legs, hands, feet etc. There are several retentions causing a water retention in which most of them are not serious.

Some women experiencing water retention before the monthly period or during pregnancy times, physically inactive people such as sitting on long flights may also be affected. Here are many ways to reduce water retention.

1. Eat A Less Salt

Salt is made up of chloride and sodium. Sodium binds to water in the body and helps in balancing fluids both the inside and outside of cells. Processed foods are the biggest source of sodium, so that your body may retain water. The most common advice for reducing water retention is to decrease sodium intake.

2. Have More Magnesium

Taking magnesium to your body helps to reduce water retention. According to the study, 200 mg of magnesium is greatly reduced water retention in women who are suffering from premenstrual symptoms.

Instead of these, you have taking foods that are a great source of magnesium like dark chocolate, leafy green vegetables, dry fruits, nuts etc.

vitamin-b63. Increase the intake of vitamin B6

For reducing water retention, you can take a vitamin b6 intake by consuming foods like walnuts, meat, potatoes, bananas etc. Vitamin B6 is useful in reducing water retention in women who are suffering from premenstrual syndrome.


4. Eating More Potassium-Rich-Food

Potassium is a mineral that helps to perform several important functions. It helps to send the signals that are helpful in the body running. It also benefits from several heart diseases.

Potassium helps to reduce water retention by doing various work like – increasing the urine production or by decreasing sodium levels. Fruits like avocados, bananas, tomatoes are food that is high in potassium and helps to reduce water retention.

5. Avoid Refined Carbs

Eating refined carbs leads to rapid spikes in the blood sugar and insulin levels. High insulin levels greatly harm your body to retaining more sodium by increasing the reabsorption of sodium in the kidneys. This lead to the more fluid volume inside your body.

Well, this was the end of the article of 5 ways to reduce water retention. Other ways to cure water retention are to eating a balanced diet, avoid taking dehydrating components like caffeine etc.

You must also ensure that if you considering the intake of supplements than consult your doctor first.

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