Healthy Alternative: How to keep off binge eating

Healthy Alternative: How to keep off binge eating
In the article given below we’ll be discussing an important topic that’s “Healthy Alternative: How to keep off binge eating” let’s examine it in detail:
Cutting down on the size of the portions on plates will further control weight gain during this season. Moreover, portion control does not mean starving; it means being full, but with healthy alternatives. Our expert throws light on how to keep off binge eating.
As many of you know our brain’s wiring makes habit change so difficult. Habits are a result of the way our brain is wired, nowadays, changing habits require re-wiring our brain, and that takes time; new habits take 2-3 weeks of repetition to take hold. Well, the good news is, we can re-wire or to say fool the brain!
The present situation of ‘work-from-home’ mandates mean we are all locked indoors with our families and friends, hopefully very safe, however with little physical activity. When we have very little to do what does our mind which is idel stray towards? Food! We munch on anything that is available, especially easy-to-reach which are not so healthy, yet alot tempting snacks, fill our lunch as well as dinner plates and bowls to the max; well overeating is quite natural, easy, and a sure way to gain weight then, which is never desirable! You should start by moving the tempting snacks packets out of sight and thus replace them with much healthier alternatives.
Let’s get started and we hope you now have the motivation to take the first steps, small, easy, yet effective: Just cut down on how much you eat! Following are three tricks to make it easier for you:
Trick #1: Keep Packaged Snacks Away
You can start by moving the unhealthy yet tempting snacks packets out of sight and replace them with healthy alternatives such as fresh whole fruits, roasted snacks, nuts etc. If we really must snack on the packaged stuff make sure no-one, particularly not the children, gets the whole packet, you must share and distribute it in small bowls instead. Remember: Eat less!
Trick #2: Finish First Serving First
Now let’s focus on the size of the portions: exactly how much do you take on your plate. We are quite consistent when it comes to eating more when offered larger portions of food. So your very starting strategy is really simple: swap your usual plate, bowl, spoon and fork for their smaller version, and you will actually reduce what you eat by a third or a fourth immediately and will still be able to fool your brain into believing you enjoyed a plateful. So happy with less!
That doesn’t really mean you have to starve and learn to live with a perpetually growling stomach, rather you need to learn to eat smart with less food and still feel happily full.
Trick #3: Drink Plenty of Water
The simplest yet the best trick is to start drinking a glass of water up to half an hour before a major meal, and you will actually feel a little less hungry when you sit down to eat. After a few days add a table-spoon of psyllium husk (Isabgol) with water or a spoonful of soaked chia seeds or yogurt in a glass of water, about an hour before lunch or dinner. These easily available soluble fibres are really great prebiotics, gut cleansers as well as excellent fillers, making us feel full and smoothening the flow of food down our intestines, thus further improving digestion. Most importantly, we actually feel less hungry and therefore we eat less.
Start the habit of drinking water or light green tea a couple of times during the day, and not just at meal times; when we are dehydrated we feel really hungry, which leads us to eating more. Get the whole family on board.
Start small, and remember small is really good: small spoons with small bites of small portions of food off small plates and small bowls does wonders!