6 Most Common Myths About Laser Hair Removal

6 Most Common Myths About Laser Hair Removal
In the following article, we will be discussing the 6 most common myths about laser hair removal. There are many options when it comes to Laser hair removal or LHR. You can quickly shave away your hair, but they grow back very quickly and often cause bad ingrowths and itching. Waxing will snatch away not just your hair but also the protective lipid layer causing folliculitis and irritation.
Depilatory creams are known to cause pigmentation and dermatitis in their aftermath. People often associate or link laser hair removal to be a painful procedure which will definitely burn a hole in their pockets.
1: Laser Hair Removal Causes the Hair to grow more Frequent and Dense.

Laser Hair Removal or LHR does not cause the hair to grow denser. In fact, each treatment or procedure should cause a reduction of between 10 to 25 percent in hair growth. There is a visible or clear reduction in the density, growth rate and thickness of hair at successive sessions. The hair that does eventually grow back usually returns much lighter and finer than before, so areas that were once problematic may be less bothersome even if the hair does grow back.
2: Laser Hair Removal is not Safe.

Laser Hair Removal or LHR safety is dependent on the laser system that is used for the treatment. FDA has approved and recommended hair removal systems which are safe to use. It is always recommended to go to certified and professional Dermatologists who are using an FDA approved system to avoid any sort of problem during as well as after the Laser hair removal process or treatment.
3: Laser Hair Removal or LHR Exposes you to Radiation

FDA approved and recommended hair removal systems do not emit any sort of radiations. So it’s not harmful to patients going through Laser Hair Removal.
4: One can get Permanent Hair Removal in One Session or Sitting

Laser energy damages the follicles or roots in the growing phase. Several or a lot of treatments are needed to target ALL the hair in the active growth phase. For approximately 6-10 weeks after every treatment, additional treatment is required to eliminate the hairs that came out of the dormant phase and are now active.
About 6-8 sessions or sittings are recommended to get significant or notable hair reduction. Depending upon a person’s hair type and genetic factors, some clients may require additional or further treatments much beyond these initial treatments.
5: Hair Removal Treatment cause Burns

Burns caused due to Hair Removal Treatment are very rare. This situation depends on a person’s skin condition. Generally, this treatment causes burns if you have dark skin. Talk to your dermatologist regarding it and they will give you some pre- as well as post-treatment medications. Regarding this Laser hair removal in dwarka are do their job so well.
6: Laser Hair Removal or LHR is very Painful to Handle

Some patients feel a pinprick sensation that causes a minute or bit discomfort. But Laser Hair Removal is not very painful. In fact, it causes much lesser pain as compared to waxing.