How Unhealthy Snacking results in Weight Gain and how to stop It

How Unhealthy Snacking results in Weight Gain and how to stop It
In the article given below we’ll be discussing a crucial topic that’s “How Unhealthy Snacking results in Weight Gain and how to prevent It” let’s examine it in detail:
Stress or boredom may actually lead you to alot of fast food consumption. Our experts let you know about how fast foods are addictive and results in immediate weight gain, and how one can stop the habit of unhealthy snacking.
Hunger pangs between meals are actually real, particularly when there’s little to keep our bodies and minds occupied as well as diverted. They further drive us towards reaching out for that packet of wafers or namkeen treats much against our better judgement and we simply tell ourselves, ‘just this tiny bit’, or ‘just this once, then no more’. Before we know it, the packet is empty and we really wonder where it all went, because surely we didn’t eat it all. If we had, we might not still be feeling hungry, would we? But we are. When hungry, we order in – fast food! This article will further discuss the detrimental effects of having fast food on our health.
Fast Food isn’t Filling And doesn’t Satiate Hunger.
This, then, is the paradox of snacks and the majority of fast food – you feel you have had a good filling bite but before you really know it, you’re hungry again, within minutes. Fast food actually is calorie-dense, which implies it releases calories much faster than natural whole foods.
This fools your body into consuming more calories than you need; the average fast food delivering up to 50% more than a comparable fresh cooked meal. Your body cannot recognise the surplus energy and fat content and most fast foods aren’t available in smaller portions, in reality their pricing tempts you to ‘up’ the size by paying just a bit more. Fast food is surprisingly cheap in comparison to healthier alternatives, making it really attractive for cash-strapped students and pocket-money constrained youngsters, and it soon actually becomes an addiction and a habit which is pretty hard to break.
Fast Food leads to Diabetic Conditions.
Fast foods and packaged snacks are, by design, really rich in fat, salt as well as sugar, the 3 culprits in unhealthy weight gain and developing insulin resistance, a pre-diabetic condition. Fats and excess sugars get stored generally around the abdomen, referred to as visceral fat. This abdominal fat is actually known to eventually result in obesity and metabolic syndrome, a whole slew of weight-related diseases like fatty liver, cardiac disease and hypertension, and diabetes, all entirely preventable.
Fast foods also contain trans-fat, a sort of unhealthy fat which causes increase in bad cholesterol, resulting in clot formation within the arteries, a common reason behind heart attacks. Majority of fast foods and packaged snacks also contain excess salt, which, while making the food exceptionally tasty, make us feel both thirsty as well as hungry, so we seek more fizzy drinks (generally offered packaged with fast food) and thus we eat more! What a nasty cycle – the more we eat and drink, the more we wish to eat and drink!
Artificial Sweeteners lead to Weight Gain
Our body knows how to actually process natural sugars, especially when they are ingested in their natural form. Processed and refined sugars are absorbed faster and thus give us a sugar ‘high’, followed a couple of minutes later by a sugar ‘crash’ because of the insulin spike, driving us to a refill. Artificial sweeteners aren’t good either – their ‘zero calorie’ promise make us believe, falsely, that the food is healthy and safe and so we tend to eat more, leading to unhealthy weight gain. Instead, you must enjoy foods with natural sugars, enjoy their natural sweetness that actually offers some nutrition against the zero-nutritional value of artificially flavoured processed foods.
How Can We Curb The Urge Of Snacking?
Much of snacking is because of habit, stress or boredom, with all three being common in these locked-in times. The only real solutions to find much healthier alternatives to food for our emotional cravings is to actually:
- Take a walk,
- Speak to a friend,
- Engage in activity,
- Exercise or read a book,
- Stay busy and engaged.
- Replace fries with salads,
- Cut down on fizzy drinks
- Replace as much fast food as you can with home-cooked food and fresh whole fruit.
You will eat less, eat healthy, feel better, look better, and in the long-term, save a whole lot of money by not falling ill. Let’s pledge to no snacking, no more fast food, no fizzy drinks from today onwards!
Of course we are all human, so you can allow yourself the occasional cheat day, however never allow the habit to take hold. Teenagers, you need to watch what you actually eat!
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