Best Exercise for weight loss

Best Exercise for weight loss

In this article you will learn about  Best Exercise for weight loss. We know that daily exercise is very good for optimizing health. But with so many limitless and options, it is easy to get overwhelmed with what kind of works. Here below various exercises, you can do it for ultimate fitness.

Best Exercise for weight loss

1. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

Intensity is the key, to max out all the benefits of the workout. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves maximum efforts made by you in short intervals of exercise, then proceeding by longer recovery periods.

The potential of your body to burn fat increases and the extra pounds melt away. HIIT increases the growth hormones in our body, which prepares the fat to be used as a fuel for the body. So you can burn more calories in 20 minutes of workout, then burning calories throughout the day. HIIT is a smart approach to help you in losing weight faster.

2.  Strength Training

Lifting weights bulks you up, is a misconception, in fact it helps you to lose your weight and build up your metabolism permanently. Secret behind losing weight is to build muscles.

Other alternative option is “Circuit Training”, which is moving quickly from one exercise to another, which burns out 30% more calories than lifting weights. It burns up to 10 calories in a minute, as it blows the fat and sculpt muscles.

3.  Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is one of the most popular basic yoga asana which work wonders with weight loss and focuses on the various parts of the body. Surya Namaskar translate to “sun salutation”, and it includes a series of 12 distinctive poses encompassed in one inclusive of the prayer pose, forward bend pose and then the bhujang asana.

It strengthens your ligaments and skeletal system. It is also an aid in reducing anxiety and stress. Breathing in and out during the pose, helps you in losing more weight.

4. Walking

Include 30 minutes of brisk walk to your daily routine, as it helps you to burn around 150 calories a day. Walking is the best and easiest exercise when it comes to weight loss. Start walking 3 days a week for 20 minutes, if you are a beginner. Then increase the duration and the frequency gradually until you are walking for at least an hour everyday.

5. Zumba

If you are not into gymming, then you could just dance!! Zumba is a great way to improve your body shape. An it is an effective and fun- way of including exercise in your daily schedule. It is all about burning calories and loosening up. It also helps in improving the overall strength of the body and relieves stress.

Zumba includes high intensity movement and other vigorous exercises which helps in sculpturing of the body. Zumba can really be fun, while you are burning a lot of calories, and still be having high energy levels.

6. Swimming

Swimming helps in burning fat, and it helps you to get stronger, healthier and fitter than before. It helps you to burn a lot of calories i.e., about 500-700 calories in an hour, it does not matter if you prefer doing freestyle or a breaststroke.

Swimming is the best form of exercise for losing weight and toning up the muscles. It engages mostly all of the major groups of muscles.

Well this was the end of article of 6 Best Exercise for weight loss.The secret to High Intensity Interval Training is how intensive you can workout during the short interval of time.


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