How Successful Is The Laser Hair Removal Treatment

How Successful Is The Laser Hair Removal Treatment
In the article given below we’ll talk about an important topic that’s “How Successful is the Laser Hair Removal Treatment?” let’s discuss it in detail:
The technique of laser hair removal is actually a long-lasting therapy of hair removal. It destroys or damages the hair follicle. Although, the hair may regrow, if the follicle isn’t damaged at the time of the procedure of laser hair removal. For this particular reason, many doctors actually refer to the laser hair removal technique. It is a perfect therapy for long-term solution. If you’re searching for a laser hair removal in Delhi, then you’re at the right place
How Laser Hair Removal Work
The full body laser hair removal procedure uses light. It’s target is the pigment present in the individual hairs. The light moves down the shaft of the hair and inside the follicle. The heat from the laser light actually damages the hair follicle. Therefore, the hair can no longer grow in targeted place. Generally, hair follows a really distinctive growth cycle. The hair cycle includes resting, shedding as well as growing periods. Recently removed hair in the resting phase are actually not visible to the laser. So an individual needs to wait till it regrows before actually removing them. For many people, laser hair removal needs many treatment cycles for two to three months
Is Laser a Permanent Hair Removal Solution?
Hair removal from the damaged follicle of hair is permanent. Individuals that undergo hair removal treatment may find that some hair can re-grow. Over time, it’s possible to treat the area again so as to reduce the amount of hairs that regrow. But, in certain cases, it’s even possible to reduce most of hairs.
Whether hair grows back or not, it actually all depends on several factors. Some of the factors are: kind of hair that grows again and also the technique of hair removal. Many people find that when hair regrows, it’s less noticeable than before. The Laser can actually work only on actively growing phase of hairs. The Laser doesn’t really work on the hair when it is in the resting phase. This is the reason the laser is actually able to destroy only some of the hair follicle. Moreover, if your hair follicle is treated in resting phase then it is not actually destroyed, the hair will regrow again. It is also difficult to destroy every hair follicle, so most of the people can see some hair regrowth. When hair regrows, it’s treated again, so individuals who really want to get rid of all the hair need several treatments. It is not really hair removal but rather hair reduction.
How Long the Laser Hair Removal Last
Laser hair removal is actually a permanent solution when the hair follicle gets destroyed. When the follicle is damaged, the hair will regrow. Furthermore, the time it actually takes for the hair to grow again totally depends on an individual hair growth cycle. Some individuals hair grows more as compared to others.
Does Hair or Skin Color Makes any Difference?
People with light complexion and dark hair can undergo more therapies. The hair removal works best with these people. This is because the contrast of the pigment makes it easier for the laser to focus on the hair. And further travel inside the follicle, and thus destroy the follicle. They may also find that more hair grows back as compared to before. To remove hair, the doctor should know how to actually target the hair and choose the right sort of laser.
Side Effects and Risks
During sessions of hair removal therapy, some individuals can experience stinging, burning or even discomfort. Many doctors apply a numbing cream to the location that they’re treating. But, some people can have the skin irritation or allergic reaction.
Some of the minor side effects that are quite common are as discussed below:
- Changes in the skin color. It occurs in the individuals with dark skin, it’s usually temporary.
- Crusting or blistering of the skin
- Skin redness
- Irritation associated with hair removal can cause scarring.
- Damaged skin can become infected.
Providing the detailed medical history. And telling about the risks and benefits helps the person to determine the treatment. It also helps to reduce the danger of serious side effects. After hair removal, an individual must avoid exposure to Sun. The Sun can irritate the skin and increases the probabilities of blisters and scars. People can experience fever, intense pain, blisters, and skin infection.
Hence, if you are looking for hair removal treatment, then our laser hair removal is the best to select. You can also go to the clinic with the best facility, new technology as well as experienced doctors like our clinic. The doctors and staff must be cooperative and must have the intention to really take care.