In the following article we’ll mention a crucial topic that’s “HOW TO GET RID OF DOUBLE CHIN AND FACE FAT” now let’s discuss about it in much more details within the article:
You can actually go to a Nutritionist or a Doctor and tell him your requirements for weight loss. You can tell him/her the most obvious areas where you wish the weight loss procedures to be targeted such as the Tummy, the belly area, thighs, hips or Arms and the Specialist will chalk out a weight loss plan accordingly keeping all your inputs in mind.
But try telling the same nutritionist / doctor that you need to lose from your Neck or Chin and see the bewildered look on the experts face as though you were asking something unusual.
Nonetheless it often happens that you start finding the double folds of your chin a bit ugly to yourself and want to get rid of these in addition to other parts of the body or not.
So what is the remedy to it?
Diet and Exercise often don’t always help. Neither does a visit to a doctor or diet plan providing nutritionist does any good. In such a scenario, Health Sanctuary, Weight Loss and Anti-Aging Clinics have the exact solution to your problem. And that too not one but a couple of them as per what suits you the best.
A) The very 1st or primary and foremost is the Non-Surgical Ultra-Lipolysis double chin removal method or technique that actually has been successfully practiced by Health Sanctuary as well as has given record no. of successful clients. This methodology actually uses the Ultrasonic cavitation energy to agitate the fatty cells that are in the neck as well as double chin areas. Experts specifically trained at Health Sanctuary precisely know to actually apply this ultrasonic energy levels to focus at pre-calculated sub dermal depths where your fatty cells are accumulated.
What happens next is that these fat cells, which have a very weak membrane naturally absorb the ultrasonic energy when exposed for a pre-calculated period of time, literally “heating up” till the cell structure collapses, making for a safe, quick and effective extraction through the natural process. Thus, your double chin gets reduced in just a single session of 45 minutes. Nothing to beat this treatment.
B) The second very popular and specifically targeted one is the only injectible treatment to reduce the fat below the chin. But then How does it Work?
Well the active injectible ingredient is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin the compound breaks down fat cells which the body then naturally absorbs and removes. Once the fat cells are actually destroyed, these cells will cease to accumulate fat. The result is quite a visible reduction of fat under the chin that doesn’t easily come back for years.
Both these treatments help improve the look and aesthetics of your face, thereby giving you a more sharper, alert and delightful look.
Each of the above treatments can actually be easily customized to suit individual’s anatomy and circumstances.
Almost 90% of clients reported satisfaction and a feeling of happiness with the appearance of their face, chin and jaw-line after the first session of 45 minutes itself. More visible results can however be seen and appreciated in 2 to 3 sessions. This treatment ensures that your results are maintained for almost next 4 to 5 years