Laser Hair Removal for Males

Laser Hair Removal for Males

In the following article we will be discussing the topic “Laser Hair Removal for Males” and will discuss it in more detail within the Article:
It used to be that hair removal was strictly a feminine thing. Unless you were a bodybuilder, cyclist, swimmer, or male exotic dancer, chances are high that your body hair remained untouched.

Not so any longer. Specialists report that more and more men are choosing the same grooming rights as girls – including smooth body skin. Most men do not essentially want it all removed however increasingly they do need it thinned out, on their back and chest.

But unlike women, men often find themselves at a loss for how to deal with excess body hair. For those men, below are some points on the most common hair removal options available today. Increasing numbers of men, determined to free themselves of excess hair, are turning to the current safe and scientific solution to deliver them a clean, polished look.

Laser Hair Removal is a procedure where a particular beam of light targets the follicle, disabling the reproductive cycle of the hair without hurting the skin. It may also give relief from ingrowing hairs and painful shaving rashes. The procedure is right for men curious about body hair removal, facial hair removal, back hair removal or permanent hair removal from the chest.

Using laser light energy to penetrate the hair shaft, it truly kills the hair root. This does not kill the follicle (the place where hair growth starts). Thus technically, another hair will grow in its place; however it’s difficult, which actually means that the results of laser hair removal last for a fairly long time.

It roughly takes about 30 minutes per treatment, up to eight treatments required. Removing/reducing hair on stomach, back, chest, shoulders, as well as genital area. Laser hair removal treatment works best on light skin with dark hair; not appropriate for blond or white hair. Black skin responds well to only 1 kind of laser. Regarding this Laser hair removal in dwarka are do their job so well.

Why do you need a Course of Treatments

You will want a course of treatments as laser solely works on hair that’s in the growth phase of the hair cycle, called Anagen. The other 2 phases of the hair cycle, referred to as Catagen and Telogen, mean the hair is either dormant or falling out; therefore the laser doesn’t impact it. As all of your hair is totally different phases at different times, you need many treatments spread out over a number of weeks to make sure the laser ‘catches’ each of the hairs in their growth phase at a certain point.

How many Treatments will you need

The number of treatments you will need is dependent on the area being treated; how thick and dense the hair is and your skin type – it varies from person to person. You will need at least six-eight treatments and it will also depend on how often you come back for your sessions. Coarse, thick hair like that on a man’s chest can take longer to treat than fine hair, however your initial consultation with an experienced therapist can give you an idea of what to expect.It only affects the particular structures of the hair and follicle, leaving the surrounding tissue undamaged/unharmed.

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt

As with all treatments, it depends on the person and how sensitive they are, as well as the area being treated. We use Cynosure lasers, both of which have additional cooling devices to decrease sensitivity throughout treatment.The sensation is quite similar to a rubber band being snapped against your skin, and since the laser is moving all the time, the sensation is well-tolerated by majority of people.

It’s advisable to avoid caffeine before your treatment as it can make your skin more sensitive. You can take a mild pain reliever (such as Paracetamol which is recommended; NOT Ibuprofen as this also makes the skin sensitive).

Is it Even Safe to Get a Laser Treatment

Laser is a clinically tested treatment; FDA approved and has undergone rigorous trials to ensure patient safety and efficiency. All skilled laser therapists are highly trained in performing the treatments; they take consumer comfort and safety very seriously and solely use the best and highest grade medical lasers.

Before starting a course of treatment, they give each client a consultation and patch test with a 3 day waiting period to ensure skin is safe and the patch test is clear. If you are having treatments with us and happen to go on holiday throughout your treatment course they will ask that you will have another patch test when you return to make sure your skin is prepared to resume treatment without the risk of pigmentation occurring.

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