Lose Weight By Drinking Water

Lose Weight by Drinking water
In this article, you will learn about Lose Weight by drinking water. We have probably heard this more than once that “drinking more water will make you lose more weight”. But does water really helps in losing weight ? Then the answer is yes. Make sure that you’re consuming the recommended 8- 10 glasses of water per day, to encourage weight loss and keep yourself hydrated.
1. Drinking Water before you eat food
As we know that water is an appetite suppressant, drinking water before the meals will make you feel fuller, therefore it reduces the quantity of the food that you will eat. Some of the health resource websites
You can lose approximately up to 27,000 calories per year, just by drinking water before 1 meal per day. If you do the math: you will find out that you lose approximately 8 pounds of weight in a year, just by drinking water before 1 meal in a day. And what if you drink water before every
2. Drink Water instead of calorie filled drinks
Replace all
If you still think that water does not really
3: We should drink ice cold water
Some of the health resourced websites states that, drinking ice cold water helps to improve the metabolism of our body, as the body need to work harder to warm up the water, therefore more calories are being burned which helps in weight reduction.
In fact, ice cold water refreshes us, and it is so much more refreshing than the water that is of room

4: Go to gym regularly
As drinking water helps in
5: Drink Enough Water
You might need to drink more water if you exercise a lot or sweat heavily, or less water if you drink other beverages like herbal tea (make sure they are decaffeinated).You really need to follow the “8×8” rule which is recommended usually by most of the nutritionists:
Drink eight, eight ounce glass of water in a day for losing weight and maintaining an ideal weight. Make sure you always drink decaffeinated beverages and drink lot of water if you exercise and drink less water if you drink other beverages like tea(herbal).
Well this was the end of article of lose Weight by drinking water. Drinking water help in boosting the metabolism, it cleanses the waste from our body, and works as an appetite suppressant.
In addition, intake of more water helps your body to stop retaining water, which leads you to drop some extra pounds of water weight.