Things To Know About HIFU Treatment


Things To Know About HIFU Treatment

In this article, you will learn about Things to know about HIFU Treatment. Our lives can change significantly, after hearing that you have got an elevated PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) or, a diagnosis of prostate cancer.

PSA is a protein which is produced by prostate glands. Most of the PSA is carried out of the body in semen, only a very small amount of PSA escapes into our blood stream.

The highest normal value of the PSA is 4ng/mL(nanograms per millilitre). However, as our age increases, usually the prostate glands also increases in size, and start’s to produce more PSA as the age increases. Typically young men have lower levels of PSA and old men have high PSA values.

Upper normal PSA levels according to the age group are given below:

·    People of age group(40-49 years) should have: an upper normal (2.5 PSA) level.

· People of age group(50-59 years) should have: an upper normal (3.5 PSA) level.

· People of age group(60-69 years) should have: an upper normal (4.5 PSA) level.

· People of age group(70-79 years) should have: an upper normal (6.5 PSA) level.

Although, it is still controversial to detect Prostate Cancer with only the use of age-specific PSA ranges.

To determine your next step you have came across the term HIFU. You may have also have studied that HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound), was cleared for prostate tissue extraction in the United States of America by the Food and Drug Administration in 2015, October.

HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) has lately rise in a response to the rising need for non-invasive measures for skin tightening and skin lifting.From past 30 years HIFU has been in development, and it was used for the first time in Europe to cure prostate cancer in 1995.

Here are a few things to know about HIFU:

1. Less Intrusive Procedure

It is a very less- intrusive procedure symbolized to each and every patient: It requires no surgery and even no radiation is necessary for this. The precision focused sound waves hit the tissues and kills it, leaving the surrounding tissues alone.

It resists the side effects that leads to radiation and basic prostatectomy: Traditional therapy can lead to infertility or urinary problems, but, due to the precision of HIFU, it extensively reduces these kinds of risks.

t resists the side effects that leads to radiation and basic prostatectomy: Traditional therapy can lead to infertility or urinary problems, but, due to the precision of HIFU, it extensively reduces these kinds of risks.

2. Pain Free Treatment


It is a pain-free treatment: Typically after this treatment, patients get recovered in about 2- 3 hours, and then they are ready to go home.It is well-examined: Many studies have been reported on HIFU capabilities, exhibiting patients with low and moderate risk disease, achieving many disease free rates and zero biopsy rates.

3. Professional Experience:

Professional experience: Positive outcomes are only achieved by highly skilled and experienced HIFU physicians.Doctors says that, cancer can be treated while preserving the quality of life with the help of HIFU for properly selected patients.

“With HIFU we can treat the disease effectively with less chance of urinary leakage and sexual issues as compared to radical prostatectomy, plus offer a rapid return to normalcy

Well this was the end of article of Things to know about HIFU Treatment. We can treat the diseases effectively with the help of HIFU, with no/ less chance of urinary disease and sexual issues as compared to conventional operation.

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