Types of Liposculpture

Types of Liposculpture
In the following we will be discussing about an important topic that is “About Liposculpture” and will discuss about it in detail within the article:
Liposculpture is actually a surgical treatment that’s used to give you more muscle tone and shapeliness. It actually treats little pockets of fat, unlike liposuction which actually covers larger areas.
Instead of simply removing fat, liposculpture also moves it around for a much desired shape. It can be particularly useful in areas that don’t respond to diet and exercise.
What Is liposculpture
Liposculpture actually works best if you have really good skin elasticity, which is generally true for people who are younger, don’t smoke, have darker skin tones as well as don’t have much sun damage.
The ideal candidate is close to their ideal weight as well as has a BMI under 30. It may not work well if you actually have weakened muscles or loose skin from age or pregnancy.
A board-certified plastic surgeon can tell you whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure.
How Much Does Liposculpture Cost
According to a report, the average cost of liposculpture is $5,350.
The factors involved in the cost include:
- your location
- how many areas you’re having treated
- use of anesthesia
- fees specific to the doctor or office
Since it is an elective procedure, it isn’t covered by insurance. You will likely need to take 1 whole week off work.
How Does Liposculpture Work?
A surgeon uses liposculpture to get rid of fat and move some of the fat to certain areas of your body. It isn’t utilized for weight loss, but rather to actually tighten up areas that already have good elasticity. It can improve contours like accentuating abdominal muscles or narrowing a waist.
Most surgeons use the tumescent technique or method, which actually helps limit blood loss as well as scarring. During the procedure or treatment, the doctor actually injects a sterile solution containing numbing medicine. They then make a tiny incision and place a small tube, or cannula, under the skin into the fat.
They use the tube to move the fat, release it, and then remove it with suction. Sometimes the fat is purified, processed, and transferred to other parts of the body, just like the buttocks or face, to enhance features in those areas.
Many patients actually combine liposculpture with other procedures, such as tummy tucks. Combining different procedures can assist you achieve desire results, since liposculpture is merely used for a specific purpose.
Types of liposculpture
Liposculpture generally takes between two and four hours. You will receive local anaesthesia and may receive oral sedation. If the area is larger, you’ll receive general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.
After the surgery or procedure is complete, you might stay at the treatment center overnight. Usually just one treatment is required to achieve the results you desire.
There are three techniques for tumescent liposculpture:
- Power-assisted liposculpture (PAL) actually uses a vibrating tool to assist break down fat faster as well as remove it more easily.
- Ultrasound-assisted liposculpture (UAL) melts fat with ultrasonic energy through a hand piece. This makes it easier to get rid of or to remove large amounts of fat, but takes longer.
- Laser-assisted liposculpture melts fat through low-energy waves. This procedure also takes longer.
The type of technique that’s best for you’ll depend on variety of factors, including the area being treated and also the amount of fat to be removed. Your doctor will tell you which technique or method is actually best during a consultation.