Weight Loss Using Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Lipolysis

Weight Loss Using Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Lipolysis

In this article, you will learn about weight loss using Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS)  Lipolysis. Electrical muscle stimulation is also known as neuromuscular stimulation or electromyostimulation. It stimulates the muscle contraction using electrical impulses.

It is basically a full body training using electrical stimulation. In this method, muscles are stimulated so that workout is much more efficient.  

It is considered as one of the most effective passive exercises than any normal weight lifting. EMS (Electronic Muscle Stimulation )also causes the strengthening and toning of muscles.

It resulting a super-effective workout in short period of time. It effectively resulting from an overall weight loss of the body. It effectively resulting in an overall weight loss of the body.

EMS(Electronic Muscle Stimulation) is Basically Divided Into Two Categories:

1. OTC (Over the Counter Devices)

These devices are marketable only for muscle toning.

Prescription Devices – These devices can only be purchased with a medical prescription and should be under the supervision of an authorized practitioner for the various reasons.

-For relaxation of muscle spasms

-For the proper retardation of disuse atrophy

-Increasing local blood circulation of the body

-For Muscle re-education

– Immediate Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS)  of calf muscles also prevent venous thrombosis

2. The Principle of Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS)  Lipolysis


The principle behind weight training is that when you worked out. In this session, you burn a lot of calories. There is a lot of wear and tear that happens to our muscles. Our body takes 48 hours to recover and make strong for the next workout.  

EMS follow the same principle of muscle training. In this focus is under 6 major muscle group – legs, glutes, back, chest, abdominal, arms, middle back and burn a huge amount of calories.

The normal workout takes 2 days to recover but in EMI Liposys our body takes 5 to 6 days to recover.

So in those days, your body is still burning a lot of calories to recover your muscle.

If EMS is done on the regular basis, it helps to reduce extra body fat, gain our body muscle and also increase the body’s metabolism.  

EMI training stimulates all the large muscle groups with too much high intensity. It also strengthens the core muscles and helps in bodybuilding mass with proper toning of the body.

By this, we get proper sculpted, In-shape body.

Main benefits of Electronic Muscle Stimulation Lipolysis

There are lots of benefits of Electronic Muscle Stimulation lipolysis such as weight loss and fat removal, for enhancing muscle formation, improved the body mobility and helps in body toning.  

It also helps for athletics who desire strong, athletic build for themselves during the sports training. Along with EMS training, we should continue done several other Cardio activities such as walking, cycling and aerobics exercises for proper toning of muscle.

Benefits of Electronic Muscle Stimulators


-For Flatten Abs

-Tightening of  Buttocks

-Tone Thighs

– Reshaping the Body  by Inch Loss

-Strengthening the Back Muscles

– Increase the blood Circulation

-Great useful for back pain and muscle tension

-Helpful for Body Builders and Athletes

-Muscle rehabilitation and repair

– Capillary (increase blood flow throughout the body)

– Endurance training

– Resistance training

– For recovery of muscle

– Active recovery

– Increase blood flow  Maximum force muscle training

– Lipolysis – Anti-cellulite

Well, this was the end of this article of Weight Loss using Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS)  Lipolysis.

In which carvers are useful for providing effective weight loss treatment by using the Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS)  Lipolysis technique.

It greatly helps to reduce the calories of the body.

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